Renowned Norfolk evangelist and author 

Renowned Norfolk evangelist, author and businessman John Wright died peacefully on Sunday night. Colleague and friend Barrie Lawrence pays tribute.

John slipped away quietly and peacefully late on Sunday November 29. However, one would assume that his arrival in heaven was anything but peaceful, and that he received a truly thunderous welcome there.

‘A spiritual giant’. ‘An apostle of faith’. ‘A prolific author’. These are just a few of the ways in which John has been described over the years.
The following is adapted from John’s profile on the Branch Press website -
John Wright came from a family who, since the eighteenth century, had produced missionaries and businessmen in every generation. His great grandfather, Prebendary Henry Wright, was General Secretary of the Church Missionary Society.

As a bachelor of 32 and a regular churchgoer, John had a dramatic conversion experience. This was the prelude, as it was for Joseph in the Book of Genesis, to a period of tribulation balanced by many great blessings. Businesses collapsed, he went through a desert experience of two years unemployment, he had cancer and finally the undeserved humiliation of Prison. The hands of the Potter have been manifestly at work building a man of faith and endurance. Throughout these trials and afflictions John’s sense of humour never left him. The joy of the Lord was his strength.
John and wife Sue lived near Norwich. They have four sons and a daughter, all of whom are on fire for God. John was a businessman who trained at the Harvard Business School. He had been a Director of Reckitt & Colman Food Division and had founded a Merchant Bank in Norwich in obedience to the Holy Spirit, despite having neither money nor any knowledge of banking! He started the St Matthews Housing Association which provides accommodation for the homeless in over 80 houses throughout East Anglia. He also started the Stop a Copper Society whose members stop police and traffic wardens to express their appreciation.
John was the founder and force behind Branch Press. He was a prolific author of dozens of inspiring books. He had been a Lay Reader for 40 years and was a member of the College of Evangelists instituted by the Archbishops of Canterbury and York. He was also an International Director of the Full Gospel Business Men of whom the Archbishop of York has said, ‘We need more men like them.’
John and Sue had travelled to 36 countries since 1978, preaching the Full Gospel in word and in deed in the power of the Spirit with signs and wonders. Romans 15:18-20. John’s ministry as an evangelist, teacher and encourager of daily witnessing has been appreciated in all main line denominations. His particular passion was for church members to be born of the Holy Spirit, filled with the Holy Spirit and learning to walk as Jesus walked, doing the things that Jesus did, seeking and using the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.
John’s testimony continues to move people from tears to laughter and is a great encouragement for anyone going through a time of affliction. He also had a healing ministry arising from gifts of knowledge to confirm the preaching of the Full Gospel.

His influence on the lives of Christians and others locally, nationally and internationally is immeasurable. He and his ministry were unique, and are irreplaceable. He will be greatly missed by multitudes.
John was 86, and lived for over 50 years just south-east of Norwich. He had suffered from cancer for ten years, and whilst in Priscilla Bacon Lodge hospice for the final three weeks of his life, was still telling those around him of the wonderful change that Jesus makes in people’s lives.
Our thoughts and prayers are with his wife Sue, and children Francis, Jemimah, David, James and John.
John Betts, director of Celebrate Norfolk, paid tribute saying: “John Wright was a good friend, a man of God who loved Jesus and had a passion for the lost and an amazing evangelist.  There will be very many people who testify to his faithfulness to God and love for them which led to their salvation. It has been a great privilege to know John and share fellowship with him. He will be greatly missed. My love and prayers are with Sue and the family.” 
Read some of our previous articles about John Wright.
Please add your own memories or tributes to John below or email them to web@networknorwich.co.uk

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(Guest) 04/12/2020 00:03
Johnny Wright. Dear Old Johnny.

I will always remember You, Old Friend in-Christ, our1True-mutual-Friend...

Every Day The Holy Spirit will reMind me that Servants like Johnny are Truly FEW and FAR between... I was Privileged to KNOW Johnny Wright and Blessed by God through him...

Well Done, Johnny, Good FaithFULL-Activist & Genuine Servant of our1GodMostHigh..!!

Until we meet on That Most Glorious of Days,
Dearly-Beloved-Brother and Friend-in-Christ,
those of us here will continue to Go to The Fields that are White unto Harvest...

Our Thoughts and Prayers are with You,
Sue, and The Whole Family at this time...

Jesus is Coming Soon! Maranatha!!

(Guest) 04/12/2020 11:35
I first met John in 1976. A great friend and first among equals in his evangelistic ministry. Like many I have told and retold his faith inspiring stories of pre-ordained encounters but a story which stands out for me was his description of the sculptor chipping away at the block of marble cutting away all that wasn’t lion. Surely the lion of Norfolk is today with His Sculptor, The Lion of the House of Judah!
(Guest) 06/12/2020 19:03

I worked for John and Sue in 1977 as a live in Mother’s help, looking after Francis and Jemimah

I had an amazing time and recognised very quickly that I was working for an amazing Godly couple

John loved the Lord with his whole heart and this filtered through into every aspect of his life. He never missed an opportunity to tell folk about his Wonderful Saviour and always took the time to challenge folk about their faith. He cared deeply about those who were going through hard times and his generosity knew no limits

I loved working at Kirby House and particularly enjoyed the family prayer time immediately after breakfast in the small chapel. I was always included in every aspect of the Wright’s family life

Once a month John would take me to the Full Gospel Business Men’s Dinner which he treated me too. I loved these meetings so much and was thrilled when John and Sue took me to the National FGB convention in Blackpool and John introduced me to Demos Shakarian!

I send my condolences to Sue, Francis, Jemimah, David, James and John. May God bless you and keep you.

(Guest) 07/12/2020 10:11
John clearly Walked the Talk, with vigour, courage, generosity, compassion and obedience, always centred on Jesus.
Our journey of Faith and Hope began through the hospitality of John and Sue on a wintry day, enjoying chocolate cake and a very warm kitchen.
Eternal thanks. K and C.
Keith Morris 07/12/2020 21:42
Chris Chamberlain writes:
On one occasion about 15 years ago, I met John and Sue at Heathrow Airport prior to taking a flight to Cyprus. He told me “pray now about the person who will be sitting next to you on the plane and lead them to the Lord!

He went to the front of the aircraft and I went to the rear. He led a businessman to Jesus, but I spent the journey being talked at by a lady spiritualist who would not stop talking; even her children, both teenagers, said “Oh mum give it a rest!”

Later on the trip, I had the joy of leading a fellow bass singer in the choir at St Paul’s Nicosia, to Jesus!

(Guest) 14/12/2020 11:12
Our condolences from Denmark with thankfull memories of our relationsship in FGBMFI
(Guest) 19/12/2020 09:33
Earlier this year John contacted me regarding a Heart Publications article about my miracle healing following 10 years in a wheel chair to ask permission to include it in his latest book "The Road to Antioch". We had several wonderful phone conversations and I am so blessed to have known such a man of God even for a short time. I have purchased several copies of "The Road to Antioch" and given them to friends. What a legacy John has left.

(Guest) 26/05/2021 11:24
I was at The Norfolk Show back in the 90's a man approached me introduced himself and asked would I like a cup of tea, I accepted. Are you a Christian he enquired, I am was my reply. Good he said, I have a job for you. Go to that tractor stand and ask to speak to the owner who's name he gave me. Tell him what The Lord had done for you in your life. I had never been asked to do such a thing it was alien to me but I did it. I later discovered that the man I spoke to received salvation and he became prosperous.
It was John Wright who sent me on that mission and often times later I would witness him at work in The Lord in beautiful and sometimes very humours ways. A remarkable man of God accompanied by a remarkable wife and family. He has been an inspiration to so many and it was an utter privilege to know him.
Rod & Marjie
(Guest) 03/07/2023 14:57
Rev John Wright you are a wonderful father and the one God used to break the ground for Mercy Seat Ministry in August of 2019 . You will be greatly remembered for your generosity and zeal to see souls saved. Am blessed to have known you sir
(Guest) 21/07/2024 22:29
John was a remarkable man, an honour to have known him.
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Published: 30/11/2020