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We are tattooed on God’s hand

Rev Jerry Otieno reminds us that God will never forget us, and that He tells us that our names are engraved on the palms of His hands.

Chances are you've misplaced your keys, phone or spectacles at least a few times, or have entered a room and forgotten why you went there! It's normal to forget things occasionally, and it's expected that we become somewhat more forgetful as we age.
Much as forgetting things can be painful and, at times, uncomfortable, I think the feeling of being forgotten is even worse. At some point in life, you may feel forgotten and not cared for by people, or even by God.
In Isaiah 49:14-16, God assures his people who felt forsaken and forgotten that he will not forget them; indeed, he cannot forget them. God says, "Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you!" God uses a figure of speech to compare his love for his people to a mother's love for her nursing child.
A mother's love extends indefinitely beyond her child's infancy. Some say it extends from the womb to the tomb. Sadly, we often hear reports of mothers abusing, abandoning or, even worse, killing the children they are supposed to nurture and protect. However, when human love fails, God reminds us that his love will always remain faithful.
Sixteen times in the Bible, God says, 'I am with you.'  Twelve times, He says, 'I will not leave you’, and eight times, He says, 'I will not forsake you.' In this passage, he says, 'I will not forget you' because He loves us and cannot get us out of his mind.
In Isaiah 49:16, with an outstretched hand, God seems to say, "If you think I have forgotten you, then look at my hand for the proof". He says, "See, I have engraved your name on the palms of my hands."  The word "engraved" literally means "cut into, carved, chiselled or tattooed". God has a permanent tattoo of his people on his hand, and no one can ever erase them from His memory. He cannot lose sight of them because they are permanently on his mind and always under his protection. On the palm of His hand, we are in a well-protected place because His hand can fold into a fist if we are threatened.
Usually, in ancient times, an enslaved person would bear the brand mark of his master or owner, but in Isaiah 49:16, we see the proof of God's love for us in that the master tattooed the servant's name on his palm. God didn't tattoo you on His hand so He wouldn't forget you; He did it so you would know how valuable you are to Him.
Jesus loved us so much that he came to take our place, and on the cross, our names were painfully and permanently engraved on His palm. He not only has our name on his palm but also our hopes, desires, dreams, potential, and future. They are all permanently carved on His hands.
So even though life can be tough, and you may feel alone and forgotten, remember God will never abandon you because He has a tattoo to prove it. He is looking at it and lovingly thinking about you. All you have to do is allow yourself to be held close by Him and remember that with God by your side, you will never walk alone. "Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you." (I Peter 5:7).
This article first appeared in Stalham Community Scene.
The picture is courtesy of StockSnap on Pixabay.

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Rev. Jeremiah Otieno, known by all as Jerry, is assistant pastor at Stalham Baptist Church. His role includes supporting volunteers in the Sunday School and young people’s groups, and building the links with local schools.


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