
Revelation Centre in Norwich set to close down 

Revelation Christian Resource Centre in Norwich city centre is set to close for good in September after a “super sale” in August and a farewell party on September 28.

With the expiry of the lease at the end of September, the centre’s trustees have made the decision that the Centre shop and café will cease trading on Saturday September 28. 
Margaret Smith, Chair of Trustees, said: “It goes without saying that we have done this with heavy hearts and in the knowledge of the impact it will make on so many people who regularly come to this special place. This decision was not made lightly, but the change in shopping habits, the empty shops on the high street, the increasing use of online shopping, and the general cost of living, have taken their toll on this Christian centre. We cannot afford the rent or the running costs of this beautiful building, and it is only fair to our staff, supporters and volunteers that we have acted in this way.
“Various alternative avenues have been considered but no openings have been found. And the future becomes more and more uncertain for the younger generation. The trends suggest card sales, book sales and church supplies will all decrease with the effect of high postage costs, e-books and dwindling church attendance in many denominations.
“But – we end positively! God has blessed us in so many ways over the years – wonderful conversations with people in the café, faithful staff who have gone way beyond their terms of employment, volunteers who have  given so generously of their time and experience … and so many answers to our prayers.
“Sadness – yes. But we will end on an upbeat note with a Drop-In Party for anyone and everyone – on Saturday September 28 from 2 – 4 pm. Come and enjoy some refreshments, hear some of the funny stories Revelation has to share,  and be part of the praying community for the future.”
Margaret adds: “We would like to thank you so much for the way people of all faiths – and none - have supported our ministry – whether by generous giving, faithful prayer or by your presence in the shop and café. Whilst I am so saddened that this light for the gospel will be extinguished, my prayer is that God will raise up new ways in which we can bring the gospel message of love and hope to the people of Norwich and beyond.”
“In the meantime – a super sale has begun for the whole of August there are 30% reductions on all books, and church supplies, and great bargains to be had on gifts and cards! Everything must go in the café too – the toaster, microwaves, crockery, etc. – so come in a browse, make us an offer, and first come, first served!

Keith Morris, 02/08/2024

Published: 02/08/2024
Keith Morris