
Business analyst speaks of life and faith

MartinKentishWeb2007: Martin Kentish, a Norwich-based retail marketing analyst, was the main speaker at the Norwich FGBMFI chapter lunch at the Maid’s Head Hotel in the city on Thursday April 19, from 1-2pm.
After graduating at UEA in 1991, Martin began life as a business analyst and started his first company at 24.
Now on his third start-up, Martin has learnt the importance of effective marketing by taking difficult new concepts to initially unreceptive audiences. Martin's services are now used by companies like Pizza Express, John Lewis, McDonalds and Archant. Martin also enjoys helping other people start up their own businesses. Martin now lives in Trowse with his son Peter.
At the lunch, Martin will talk about his work and his faith as part of the regular series of Norwich FGBMFI monthly events held at the Maid’s Head Hotel on Tombland in the centre of Norwich.
The lunches are aimed largely at people who work in the city and are designed to fit in a standard lunch hour with a half-hour meal followed by a 30-minute talk.
The cost to attend the lunch is £6 and all are welcome. To reserve your place contact Robert Ross on 01603 631050 or e-mail     or

Published: 14/04/2007