Matthew Project's work vital during lockdown
During this time of lockdown and social isolation, the work of the Matthew Project across Norfolk is more vital than ever says its CEO, Andy Sexton.
A boy came down the drive of their rural property. At the gate, and from a safe distance, a Matthew Project worker engaged him in conversation. He was doing a welfare check on the family. Before leaving them, he gave the child, a budding scientist, an activity pack – a science kit and a build-it-yourself engineering project. This child’s father, a Veteran, suffers from PTSD and substance misuse issues and the family is being supported by the Matthew Project. This support is even more vital during the COVID-19 pandemic.
During this extraordinary time, the Matthew Project has continued to reach out to people affected by the impact of substance misuse. Our staff have been working effectively from home since March 18, even with our offices and the Next Steps Centre temporarily closed.
We are providing vital community and connection through: making contact by phone, internet groups, using the post, and carrying out essential home visits, such as delivering vital food or utilities vouchers to people in recovery who need them, and activity packs to children who are affected by their parents’ substance misuse. To understand what it is like for people with an addiction while in lockdown read this BBC news story.
One of our members expressed his gratitude in this way: “I am EXTREMELY grateful for the Matthew Project and all its staff and all of you guys in the group for putting in the effort from home to still help everyone in the group on their recovery journey. I’m soo grateful that that takes up all my gratitude list for the day. Big ups to everyone putting in the effort. THANKS GUYS.”
Our help is needed now more than ever.
For children and families in a home where there is substance misuse, there is an increase in the risk of domestic violence. Recent figures from The National Domestic Abuse helpline show a worrying rise in requests for domestic violence support. And there has been a 20% jump in alcohol sales, which obviously will be a greater problem for our clients at this time.
Could you help the Matthew Project continue to help others in this difficult time? Please donate at www.totalgiving.co.uk/donate/the-matthew-project
A very happy Easter. God Bless you. Stay well and safe. From all of us at the Matthew Project.
Address: The Matthew Project, 70-80 Oak Street, Norwich, NR3 3AQ
Tel: 01603 626 123
Email: enquiries@matthewproject.org
Website: www.matthewproject.org
Pictured above is one of the many online activities now being provided by the Matthew Project for its clients.
Do you, or someone you know need help? Details below.