The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

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Come to Bible origins teaching day in Mattishall

“From scroll to best-selling paperback – how we got our Bible” is the subject of a teaching day at All Saints' Church in Mattishall next month, and there is no charge to attend.

From ancient scrolls to best-selling paperbacks, the journey of how we received our Bible is a fascinating tale. The day, led by Rev. Dr. Sue Woan, will encompass the challenges of Bible translation and touch on the efforts of organizations like the Wycliffe Bible Translators and the Bible Society.
Alan Cossey, organiser of the event, said “We are delighted to have Sue back again with her gift of bringing such subjects to life. She has led days at All Saints before, on "A romp through the Old Testament", "Walking in New Testament Footsteps" and two half-days on the Gospel of Mark and the Gospel of John.”
Drinks will be available throughout the day, but those attending are advised to bring a packed lunch (or buy locally). The day will run from 10am, with coffee from 9.30am. It is expected to finish around 3pm.
All Saints’ Church, Church Plain, Mattishall, Dereham, NR20 3QF
This event is free, but donations will be gratefully accepted. Please click here to book if possible.

For more information, contact Alan Cossey at alan.cossey@matvchurch.uk


TonyRothe150Do you have a news story or forthcoming event relating to Christians or a church in Mid Norfolk?  

If so, e-mail tony.rothe@networknorwich.co.uk with details and, if possible a suitable picture. 

Tony Rothe, 16/09/2024

Tony Rothe
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