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The Bill Snelson Fund for Young Ecumenist Grants

Churches Together in England (CTE) are keen to encourage more young Christian adults to apply for ecumenical grants

Please note that the application window for grants from The Bill Snelson Young Ecumenists Fund (cte.org.uk/snelsonfund/) opens in the second week of September. It will close on 31 October.
In Norfolk and Waveney it would be great to have applications submitted from as many young Christian adults as possible.
As a reminder to apply you need to be: 
  • Asking for funds to travel abroad to have an ecumenical experience which can be study, pilgrimage, volunteering, a conference, retreat or any other activity that promotes church unity.
  • Between 18 and 35 years old.
  • Connected to a CTE Member Church.
All the information and how to apply can be found at:  cte.org.uk/snelsonfund/ 
Article by Dr Ian Watson, County Ecumenical Officer for Norfolk and Waveney


Published: 11/09/2024