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Passing on the love that protects

Regular contributor Ruth Lilley has been reading a much-loved bible passage, and takes a fresh look at what one of the sentences might mean to us.

As I sat and read a very familiar Bible passage, some words jumped out at me as though I was reading them for the first time! The passage I was reading was from 1 Corinthians 13 where the apostle Paul writes about love. The words that shouted out to me from verse 7 were:
"Love...always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres."
Undoubtedly, these were words that I had read or heard read before, so why were they so definite this time? I believe God wanted to get my attention, and upon re-reading them, there was a realisation that this was something I needed to work on.
Love is so valuable; it is essential and it makes the world a brighter place. As I reflected on what this verse was saying about love, I felt a gentle prod that it was necessary for me to consider whether I demonstrate a love that protects, trusts, hopes and perseveres?
Firstly, does my love protect? (I hope to consider the next three qualities in later articles). Straight away my mind goes to my three beautiful children. It would be amazing if I were able to protect them all the time, although that is clearly not possible. How am I able then, to share a love that protects?
Maybe it is walking alongside them when there are tricky decisions to be made, rather than jumping in and making the decision for them. Or allowing them to be them, instead of using my past experiences to define. Perhaps a love that protects takes things step by step, considering all the different possibilities (not certainties) that might happen, rather than fast forwarding the situation.
It may well be all these things, but one thing is certain - by looking to God’s Word, I can discover a love that protects.
A love that protects…
…is fighting for me (Exodus 14:14)
…goes before me, is beside me and will never leave (Deuteronomy 31:8)
…keeps me safe (Psalm 4:8)
…reaches down and rescues (Psalm 18:16-19)
…is with me in the valley, providing comfort and security (Psalm 23:4)
There are many, many more ways in which our loving Heavenly Father shares His love that protects. Knowing these truths gives strength to try and share a love that protects with my three children and others that I have the privilege of journeying alongside.
Also, these truths remind me that protection is necessary because I mess up and fall down. That is when He reaches down, rescues me and keeps me safe.
So, I am reminded of the gentle prod! In showing a love that protects, I too must be gracious, especially to my beautiful three. As I try to reach down and keep them safe, I must do this with the grace and unconditional love that I am shown. How will my love protect if I reach down with an ‘I told you so’? A love that protects should always fight for them and enable them to get back up and take the next step.
Image by Bernhard Falkinger from Pixabay

ruth starkings 150CFRuth Lilley teaches at an infant school in Norwich. She also enjoys writing, and writes a regular blog called ‘With Every Sun Comes A New Day.’


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