The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

Forum presents call to action for Norfolk churches 

St Catherine’s Church, Mile Cross, Norwich is set to host a Faith, Peace and Justice Forum on Saturday September 14 with inspiring talks and discussion on the key social issues of our time.

Inspired by Desmond Tutu’s prophetic call to address issues of injustice, the forum will focus attention on some of the key injustices of our time and challenges churches to speak truth to power alongside their already considerable social action programmes, says organiser Dr Lee Marsden, Emeritus Professor of Faith & Global Politics at UEA (pictured above).
“There comes a point where we need to stop just pulling people out of the river. We need to go upstream and find out why they are falling in.” (Desmond Tutu)
“The forum promises inspiring talks and discussion on the key social issues of our time,” says Lee.

Rev Chris Howson, a liberation theologian and University chaplain in Sunderland, recently the focus of national attention for his involvement in the clear up and protecting people of colour in the recent riots in Sunderland, will address issues of social justice.
Rev Vanessa Elston, chaplain to the Bishop of Kingston and pioneer priest for climate spirituality and action will address climate justice.
Kate Doran-Smith, Head of Network for Hope into Action, a national homelessness charity with houses across Norfolk, will speak on the housing crisis. At a time where nations seek to increase military expenditure and rioting occurs on our streets, Professor Marsden will speak on non-violence in a violent world.
Organiser Lee believes that the forum affords a real opportunity for people of faith to come together and consider ways they can contribute to make society fairer, more compassionate and just: “Like many people of faith, I have grown frustrated by churches reluctance to speak out on issues of injustice in our society,” he said. “Churches have stepped into the gap left by the state in providing sticking plasters to societal ills, which provide temporary respite, often without addressing the root causes of such problems.
“This forum seeks to educate, motivate and activate people of faith in challenging injustice. Asking, in the midst of a housing crisis, a climate emergency, growing inequality and violence and warfare, what role, if any, should the church play?"
The day will run from 10am to 5pm at St Catherine's Church, Mile Cross, Norwich, NR3 2RJ
Admission is free but attendees should register here.
For more details, contact Professor Lee Marsden at: l.b.marsden01@gmail.com

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