
Image 31-07-2024 at 11.25Interfaith Relationships Across Britain and Ireland

Churches Together in Britain and Ireland (CBTI) provides an 'ecumenical space' in which interfaith relationships can be explored and reflected upon

Recently, in the House of Lords the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rt Rev Justin Welby, raised concerns about the pressure on interfaith relations.  With the background of multiple conflicts and crisis across the world he argued that peace between faiths was an urgent issue.  He also called for UK foreign policy to be “religiously literate” and advised wider engagement with NGOs and faith groups.
His intervention was a timely and fitting reminder for us all to nurture greater interfaith understanding and foster good relationships.  Across Britain and Ireland there is a rich tapestry of faiths.  Some people belong to major world religions that are ancient and historic, while others follow smaller, newer faiths. This diversity can leave Christians with many questions to consider, such as how to relate to people of other faiths without compromising their own beliefs.
Churches Together in Britain and Ireland provides an ‘ecumenical space' in which these and other issues can be explored and reflected upon. Theological reflection is carried out by the Inter Faith Theological Advisory Group.
By clicking on the following links, you can find out about some of the other religions in Britain and Ireland, and their relationship to Christianity.
 Image 31-07-2024 at 11.25

Photo: Mazur/catholicnews.org.uk
Article by Dr Ian Watson, County Ecumenical Officer, NWCT, adapted from Churches Together in Britain and Ireland (CBTI).

Published: 31/07/2024