The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

sheringham desserts 750AT
Sheringham Methodists get their just desserts  

St Andrew’s Methodist Church in Sheringham took an active part in Christian Aid week this year, with a special service at the start, and a desserts event to round off the week.

Alison Webster, from Christian Aid, was the speaker at the service on Sunday May 12, and she explained about the work of the charity as depicted by the story of Alina in Burundi who, among other ventures, was building her own house.  Alison challenged those present to live out their Christian discipleship in a way that challenged injustice and the disparity between the rich and poor. 
During the service the congregation were invited to write prayers relating to the theme of Christian Aid for this year, on a paper ‘brick’, and these were then formed into a wall on the display board in the adjoining hall, along with other Christian Aid information.
At the end of Christian Aid week, a ‘Just Desserts’ event was held at St Andrew’s. This raised an impressive £740 for the charity which, when added to the envelope donations during the week, resulted in a total of £1015 for the week.
Organiser Josie Greenfield commented: “Wow, what an afternoon we had at our ‘Just Desserts’ fund raising event for Christian Aid. Over 60 people came from other churches and the community and enjoyed a calorific array of desserts, supplied by members and friends of St Andrew’s.  Praise God that people came flooding through the doors, and there was a buzz of conversations. Thanks to everyone who supported us.”

The photo is courtesy of St Andrews Church. 


TonyRothe150Do you have a news story or forthcoming event relating to Christians or a church in North Norfolk?  

If so, e-mail tony.rothe@networknorwich.co.uk with details and, if possible a suitable picture. 

Tony Rothe, 04/06/2024

Tony Rothe
To submit a story or to publicise an event please email: web@networknorwich.co.uk