The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

Norfolk ministries which share a vision for men 

Statistically, two thirds of men may find being in church uncomfortable, so how have three organisations within Norfolk helped make church a great place to be involved with during 2016?  Kevin Gotts found out more.

Christian Vision for Men – CVM

Christian Vision for Men – CVM, a non-denominational charitable organisation, evangelical in its outlook – which in simple terms aims to `Win Men for Jesus`.  They promote small men`s groups to partner with them - either from a church or groups of churches.
“We don’t want a church dominated by men or male characteristics nor do we want to make church a “men’s club”; just a place where men can be gripped and excited by Jesus.” said Simon Pinchbeck, CVM Regional Director for The East, “ So we offer resources and support to motivate and equip Christian men to `Have a Go for Jesus` in their daily lives and give them the strength and the courage, to introduce non-Christian men into their groups, and ultimately to Jesus and the church.”
CVM  has two Area Coordinators in Norfolk - Stephen Gladwell in Norwich organising a CVM `Unleashed` day in November - where men will come together to do activities in a woodland setting; and Simon Fenn in North Norfolk, who has instigated a number of `Men`s Breakfasts` from Cromer Church, which he has opened up to Christian men of any denomination. His heart is for `Discipleship` and to that end he has championed a CVM resource called `The Code` - which is twelve steps to follow Jesus.  Plus CVM Swaffham, where Mike Bennet heads up a partnered group in the town and regularly hold breakfast meetings in the parish church in Necton.
Contact: simon.pinchbeck @cvm.org.uk or www.cvm.org.uk


Caleb, formed a year ago by five men from different churches across Norwich who got together and all shared the same feeling that many Christian men were looking for a deeper relationship with God.
Stephen Gladwell said, “We identified that the men in our churches were seeking more. We were taken by the claim made by Caleb, a great man of faith, in Joshua 14:8 “for my part, I wholeheartedly followed the Lord”. We were challenged by this and felt is was the thing the men in our churches were seeking: what does it mean to wholly follow the Lord?”
Caleb meets on the third Saturday each month at Witard Road Baptist Church, Norwich and is informal. Any man from any denomination is welcome. They start with a drink and doughnuts, and then have a short time of worship, followed by some teaching around a topic. After a short break they continue with discussion around what has been heard and how it can be applied to everyday lives. Doors are open from 8.30am for coffee and finish at 11am.
Stephen continues, “Together with the church leaders, our desire is to see the men in Norwich fulfil their potential in Christ and be transformed into the man God wants them to be.
Contact: www.calebwftl.org.uk

Read our previous article on this topic

Full Gospel Businessmen

The Full Gospel Businessmen UK & Ireland (or FGB for short) is part of the largest network of Christian businessmen in the world: from every part of the world.  Norwich FGB Chapter is headed up by Dr Barrie Lawrence.
Their meetings are open to men and women and the definition of businessman is all inclusive and meant to include all people in or out of work.
The FGB mission is:

  • Fellowship with members across the world
  • Fulfilling our Destiny within the call of God on our lives
  • To reach men and women for Christ and empower them for Life through the Holy Spirit
  • Operating as 'an arm of the Christian Church': serving and supported by local Churches, to which we remain committed
  • Seeing the Kingdom of God extended for His Glory

“What's different about FGB? There's food in a variety of settings, where one can meet men for fellowship (fellowship evenings) and engage in evangelism in different settings - dinners in hotels and restaurants, breakfasts, lunches, pubs.... The 'full gospel' aspect, i.e. expecting miracles today is considered by some as a rarity these days,” explained Barrie. “Recently at a dinner, a lady exclaimed ‘my knees have been healed,’ and a few minutes later, gave her life to Jesus.”
Barrie concluded, “This year in Norwich, we also held a music (and food) evening in a pub, as well as a curry evening at an Indian restaurant. There is even talk of an Elvis event next year.  We are relevant to today's world, to a new wave of people looking for values in today's world.”
Contact: www.norwichfgb.co.uk or barrielawrence@btinternet.com
Picture by FreeImages.com/Philipp.K


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