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Humility releases God’s favour 

christ on cross SX 400Author Alison Hill explains why we need to humble ourselves and be obedient to God if we are to enjoy His richest blessings.

“And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to death—even death on a cross!” Philippians 2 v 8
Jesus had the power to deliver Himself from death; yet He chose to humble Himself as He became obedient to death on a cross. His choice showed the maturity we all must display as we acknowledge that God’s ways are higher than ours.
For us to be obedient to God, even when we don’t understand, is one of the hardest things to do, especially when our lack of understanding is shrouded in a belief that our way is better. To move beyond our own understanding into a place of complete submission to God’s ways means that we have to humble ourselves under His mighty hand.
“...Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that He may lift you up in due time.”      1 Peter 1 v 6
God’s favour is released when we display Godly humility. This favour exalts us to a higher place; resulting in a victory that we would not have otherwise seen. Even when we can act we must exert self-control as we choose to humble ourselves to find out His ways in the situation we face. To know His ways in any given situation requires listening to the voice of God. Stepping back into the counsel of the Holy Spirit when difficult situations arise requires a bowing of the knee.
We must accept we cannot help people without the knowledge of His will for them. As we do this, He releases His favour upon us, which then results in a release of His wisdom and power flowing through us into the lives of others. Fleshly human effort leads nowhere with those problems that are deep rooted and hidden to the human eye. It takes the eye of a loving Father who sees all and knows all.
When Jesus showed humility in His obedience to go through death on a cross He knew that a greater glory would be released through His life. This greater glory was not for His sake but for ours. So for us to witness a greater harvest we must humble ourselves in obedience to His ways.
These ways are displayed in our everyday lives towards one another, as we lay down our pride; acknowledging that without His power at work in the lives of those He came to save, we can achieve nothing of eternal value. We must go through a refining; allowing His grace to be at work in our lives as we reach out to the lost and broken. Not trying to work at them coming to an understanding that we are right, but allowing the God of all grace to reveal Jesus to their hearts in His time and in His way. Acknowledging that we are simply the vessels He chooses to flow through displaying the splendour of the King.
The image above is courtesy of Mario Alberto Magallanes Trejo on www.freeimages.com

Alison Hill CF 150Alison Hill has been involved in Christian ministry for twenty five years and attends her local church in Kings Lynn, Norfolk.
She runs Butterfly Ministries, offering Christian workshops to churches, conferences, small and large gatherings, bringing teaching that encourages growth in all areas of Christian life. She is also an author, now writing her third book.
She believes that Christianity is about walking with God daily and learning about His ways through His Word and hearing His voice. 


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