The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

We need 100 Friends to support the website

KeithMorrisAug12This month marks the thirteenth anniversary of the Network Norwich & Norfolk website launch.

Over those 13 years we have published hundreds of articles, events, pictures and comments.
We have helped countless Christian organisations, churches and individuals publicise their work, appeal for funds, find new staff and volunteers and make thousands of connections across denominational and other divides.
Much of this would simply not have been possible without the platform the website provides.
We know that thousands of you appreciate our work because of the 3,400 who subscribe to our weekly e-newsletter, the 11,000 who visit the website every month and our 2,400 followers on social media. Also, because of the numerous e-mails and calls we receive every week asking for our help.
We have been able to provide this service largely for free, thanks to the generosity of local Christian businesses, organisations and churches who have taken advantage of our economical and carefully targeted advertising opportunities. Also because of the scores of our readers who have already signed up to join our 100 Friends scheme.
We want our service to remain freely available to all.
We serve you, the local Christian community, we know that you support us and after a dozen years of service, we want to give you the opportunity to express that.
We want to be able to continue to fund the website through the local Christian community and as part of that, we need to find 100 people, churches or organisations who value our service enough to donate just £1 a week to help keep the website going and growing to provide an even better service.
We want to find 100 Friends who will sign up for just £1 a week (by monthly or quarterly Standing Order) to support our work.
If you would like to support us individually or know a church or Christian organisation that can, please click here to download a donation form

Click below to donate instantly via a credit or debit card or Paypal


If you would like more details of our advertising opportunities please drop me an e-mail.
Thank you for your continuing support.

Keith Morris
Network Norwich & Norfolk

To submit a story or to publicise an event please email: web@networknorwich.co.uk