
Norwich chief opens dialogue with churches

2008: Leaders of churches and faith-based organisations in Norwich opened a dialogue with Norwich City Council Chief Executive Laura McGillivray at City Hall on Monday September 15. Susie Knights reports.

The next step is a meeting in the city with Government Faith Minister, Stephen Timms MP, on December 1.
Over 30 leaders met with Laura at the Transforming Norwich City Council Dialogue meeting, organised by YMCA Norfolk Chief Executive Officer John Drake in the Council Chamber.
Laura gave an update on the Boundary Committee proposals for Norwich and Norfolk. She also spoke about neighbourhoods and communities working closely together through neighbourhood frameworks and close partnerships with organisations that work in the community to deliver improvements on the ground.  She encouraged those present to participate in the boundary debate by contacting the boundary committee at
CityChurchDialogLogoJohn Drake said he was delighted that government both locally and nationally wanted to engage with the faith community and said of the Stephen Timms visit: “This is an exciting opportunity. We need to make sure that we are well placed to engage with decision makers and procurers of services.
“We need to demonstrate the wide range of community support that we, the churches and faith based organisations, have to offer.  The Local Impact Assessment which was launched at the Transforming Norwich AGM will be a great tool to evidence this and YMCA Norfolk will assist the churches and other organisations to ensure its completion.”

To download the Local Impact Assessment form, click here
John said: “We also need to appreciate the delivery standards and set targets that local government are required to achieve, we also need to understand how we can contribute to them.”
medium1The role of the Local Strategic Partnerships was discussed. David Ingham who represents the Churches Council Forum on the local delivery board shared his experiences and set out some of the challenges ahead.
“I encourage everyone to be involved in third sector forums and events to ensure that we, the Christian community, have our voice heard,” he said.
Transforming Norwich development officer, John Betts, gave an overview of the planned Norwich Community Summit, which will be held in Summer 09: “It is an opportunity to celebrate all the pioneering and highly acclaimed work that the Christian community has achieved in our city,” he said.

Published: 18/09/2008