New church hall is opened for worship
By John Breeze
The new meeting hall of Oak Grove Chapel in Norwich was used for the first time on Sunday, September 16 (pictured above) with over 200 people in attendance.
After two years of fundraising, planning, preparation and a year of building it will be dedicated at a special service on Saturday October 6.
There will be a Prayer of Thanksgiving in Oak Grove Chapel, Catton Grove Road, at 2pm followed by a Jazz Procession along Woodcock Road. This procession will include the parading of the Communion Table at its head to show the centrality of that mystery to the life of the Church.
On arrival at the new hall on Weston Road, a ribbon will be cut by Miss Vera Askham, Oak Grove's oldest member. There will be a dedication Service at 3pm with Steve Chalke, of the Oasis Trust, as guest speaker.
After tea, at 7pm, there will be a 'Faithworks Celebration Service' when Steve will speak on 'Intelligent Church'.
This new building will be used by the school and the community for various weekday activities and by Oak Grove for its growing congregation on Sundays whilst the old buildings on Catton Grove Road will still be used for community, Church and the charity shop activities during the week
Further details may be obtained from Oak Grove's office on 01603 403388 or from: