
New Norfolk County Ecumenical Officer appointed 

Norfolk and Waveney Churches Together has appointed Dr Ian Watson from North Norfolk as its new County Ecumenical Officer. Here he introduces himself.

I am thrilled and honoured to be appointed to the role. I am eager to embark on this exciting journey of promoting unity and cooperation among the diverse Christian communities in our area. As a committed Christian, my passion for this role is deeply rooted in an unwavering belief that Church Unity is not just a lofty ideal but a vital mission that resonates with the very essence of our faith.
I have been a Christian all my life. I was born in West Cumberland and until the age of 16 raised in Carlisle, but I have lived and worked across many parts of England during my working life. My religious life started as a Junior Covenanter and a member of the Boys Brigade. I left school with no qualifications but educated myself through correspondence school whilst serving in the army. I was confirmed into the Anglican Church after military service when I first went to university at the grand old age of 25.
More recently I have become a Roman Catholic, not for any doctrinal reason but as the best way for me to personally express and strengthen my faith. My wonderful wife is Sue, and we are blessed to belong to two beautiful church communities in an inter-church marriage. 
Six years ago, I was lucky enough to take early retirement from a series of HR Director roles in the NHS and Public Sector in order to pursue further full-time education and relocate to North Norfolk.
I am currently a Parish Councillor and Secretary for a charitable community land trust dedicated to building long-term affordable homes for rent in our area - both voluntary roles. Since my early retirement, having completed a Master of Arts in Philosophy and being awarded a PhD, I have been captivated by the teachings of Christ that call us to be one body, one family, and one faith community.
I am so excited about becoming the County Ecumenical Officer. It is a fantastic opportunity to learn more about the different traditions and wonderful forms of worship across our region. I am the type of progressive Roman Catholic who recognises the beauty and truth that exists in all the seven denominations that make up Norfolk and Waveney Churches Together. It will be a privilege to learn from these and to support the effort for greater visible unity whilst respecting and honouring our differences.
Church unity is not merely an abstract concept but a powerful force for good in our communities and beyond. It allows us to pool our collective resources, talents, and spiritual wisdom to address the challenges of our time. In a world marked by division and strife, a united Christian front can be a beacon of hope, showing the transformative power of faith, love, and reconciliation.
Moreover, when we unite as Christians, we bear a more compelling witness to the message of Christ. Our unity amplifies our impact, making our faith more accessible and relatable to those seeking spiritual guidance and meaning in their lives. It is our collective responsibility to demonstrate that the love of Christ knows no bounds and that we are all called to live out His message of love and compassion.
To contact Ian, email: nwct-watson@outlook.com


Pictured above is Dr Ian Watson, Norfolk's new County Ecumenical Officer.

Published: 29/11/2023