
Hear Ivor's story of 50 years of Gospel preaching 

Norwich man Ivor Boulton heard a voice telling him, to “go out and preach” and he has been doing so for 50 years now. He told his story at the July dinner of the FGB in Norwich.

Ivor, a faithful long serving member of the FGB Norwich Branch and its treasurer, writes: “I was just enjoying a TV programme - A Man Called Peter - when my life was changed for ever, and for the better. As it ended I clearly heard a voice which told me that I was to go out to preach.
“As a non-believer I thought that hearing voices was a sign that I was going mad.  My friends tell me that they probably wouldn’t have noticed the difference! However, this voice was so clear that I couldn't ignore it.  

“For the first time I went to Norwich Cathedral - and I simply prayed, 'God please help me.' I then picked up the cathedral newspaper.  There was a message from the bishop saying that there was a need for young men to come forward to preach the Gospel.

"The following Sunday I went to church for the first time in years and the first time in that church.  I sat at the back and the preacher at the end of his sermon pointed straight at me and said, 'And that is what you should do, you should go out and preach the Gospel'.

"Having given my life to Jesus within three weeks, I preached my first sermon.  It’s truly a miracle that 50 years later I am still preaching the Gospel - the best 50 years of my life."
You can hear Ivor tell his story at the FGB Norwich Branch dinner on Wednesday July 26.
Join them at the City Suite, Mercure Hotel, Boundary Road, NR3 2BA.  7pm for 7.30pm.  Price: £16 per person to include an excellent two-course dinner. Please reserve your place early!   
Lloyds Bank: FGBMFI Norwich / Sort code: 30-98-97  A/c # 69708663
Contact Kit Brinkley                mob: 07947 414 968
Barrie Lawrence    tel: 01603 898 289
Pictured above is dinner speaker, Ivor Boulton.

Published: 03/07/2023