The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

Lys Morgan-Hart at St Pauls 75

Sheringham musician leads choir at St Paul's

2019: A Sheringham musician was recently honoured by being invited to direct the music for a special service at St Paul’s Cathedral in London.

Lysbeth Morgan-Hart was at the helm for Poscimur, a prestigious choir which serves cathedrals across the UK by deputising when their own resident choirs are on holiday.
Following several years as a chorister and soloist with Poscimur, Lys was delighted to become a Director for the choir shortly after being the only musician in the UK to be awarded the Archbishops’ Certificate. Since then, she has led the choir in numerous venues, including Chester and Coventry Cathedrals, with Norwich, Worcester and Bury St Edmunds Cathedrals on the schedule for 2019.  
Lys is Director of Music at St Peter’s Church, Sheringham, and has successfully trained 6 singers from the choir to become members of Poscimur, all of whom sang at St Paul’s. She has also recently become Musical Director for the local community choir, Harmony.   
Following the service, Lys said: “It has been my dream to direct a choir at St Paul’s ever since the very first time I sang there, aged just 14. The building is truly magnificent, and the acoustics make your singing sound like it’s being lifted to higher places. Everything went extremely well, and I was very pleased to have so many friends and family there to support me (a coach load!). It was simply magical!”

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