The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

Community Gospel Choir set to launch in Norwich 

A new community gospel choir will be starting up in Norwich in September. With a focus on fun and community, the choir is open to all, regardless of musical ability.
By Helen Baldry

Megan Rawling, who will lead the choir, describes her role as choir conductor as 'the most stunning job in the world' as she gets to witness the creation of something beautiful every day - both in the harmonies sung by the choirs she leads as well through witnessing people grow in confidence and self-worth through the power of singing together.

Megan has been choral director at St Thomas Church in Norwich for the past two years, focusing on the parish choir and a community gospel choir.

From September, she will be setting up Norwich Community Gospel Choir and is currently garnering support from churches in the city as she invites people to join the choir.

Megan is particularly excited about this new venture because it has a unifying purpose of bringing people from many churches together – as well as those without a church background. The choir is simply about joining together to sing in a comfortable and inclusive environment.

Rehearsals for the new choir will be on Tuesday and Wednesday nights and will start from September 11 and 12. Doors will open at 7.15 for a 7.30 start. The cost is £6 per session and concessions are available. There will be a warm-up followed by an hour of learning songs and singing together. Types of songs might be the classical gospel songs like O Happy Day, also some contemporary worship songs and well as other singable accessible popular songs.
Each session will finish with hot chocolate and a chance to chat and get to know each other.

Gospel choirMegan said, “My hope is that it will build community and make gorgeous music”. Surprisingly, music is secondary outcome to the formation of the choir, as it is the natural conversations people have and the friendships they build up are the things that truly make peoples’ hearts sing. Megan said, “The most important thing about it is when people who don’t know Jesus sing about him, they get to know him”. Megan has seen people come to faith through joining a choir. She said, “The most stunning thing about it is you don’t have to force it. You create an environment where these conversations happen perfectly naturally.”

Once the choir is up and running, Megan plans to hold gigs in order to get exposure for the choir, and also do some social action, such as singing in hospitals and community centres in order to bless people.

Megan is planning on drawing a team around her top help make it happen – including people to help set up and pack down, help with refreshments and also pray for the choir.
If you are interested in getting involved, contact

View the promotional video on Facebook to find out more  

Pictured above: Megan Rawling
Pictured below: The STN Community gospel choic


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