The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

What is so good about Good Friday?

Why is Good Friday called Good Friday and what is so good about it. Regular columnist Philip Young explains.

Jesus was hated by the religious authorities and was put to death by the cruellest of methods devised by an occupying power of Palestine on the day now called Good Friday.

That is hardly good is it! And yet it is good because Jesus refused to be drawn into the hatred and cruelty of his day and responded by teaching us to love.

He overcame hatred with love. That is why it is good and why his message is so relevant today.

We still have religious authorities who want to tell us what to do and we still have imperial powers who like to throw around their military might.

Jesus answers with love and shows us that we too can walk in the way of love, truth and non-violence.

Gandhi and Martin Luther King have shown us in our recent history that we too can fight imperial powers and racial discrimination with soul-force and sincerity and integrity.

Don't tell me that this is irrelevant in our modern world where many people have their backs against the wall because of the abuse of the powerful. Look at what is happening in Syria, but also look at what is happening on our own doorstep and the number of downtrodden and oppressed people who find themselves at the bottom of the heap in our modern world.

So easy to respond with hate and resentment but so much better to use the powerful tools of love and non-violence.

Perhaps the worst response is apathy and non-action and thinking that we can do nothing to change the way things are.

May I wish a Good Friday to all and please pray that all of us would get in touch with the divine goodness that was so clearly shown at work when Jesus died on the torture weapon devised by the Imperial Roman powers 2000 or so years ago. 

Love is the answer and love is the most powerful of all human attributes. Even death has no power over love - love conquers all.

Picture © Philip Young

Philip Young June 2014Philip is an Anglican, Quaker, and a member of the Third Order of Franciscans. He moved to Felixstowe two years ago. Until July 2014 he was the Diocesan Environmental Officer for the Norwich Diocese. He is now a freelance writer on spiritual and political matters. He is available to run Quiet Days, give talks, presentations or to preach and can be contacted at philipyoung@btinternet.com


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