Polar theme for Acle Methodist holiday club
2018: Children in Acle have been attending a Polar Adventure holiday club at the local Methodist church, along with penguins, polar bears, and even an igloo!
The igloo was the centrepiece of the event and was built by some of the holiday club volunteers from over 500 milk cartons and decorated with fake snow, fairy lights and cuddly polar bears and penguins.
The title of the club was ‘Polar Adventure’ and children enjoyed making toy polar bears, penguins, polar collages and even ‘snow’ which they used to construct a 3D polar scene. In the kitchen, they made polar bear cupcakes, frozen banana penguins and ice-cream in a bag. Games included ice-fishing and snowballs. The maximum of 32 children attended the club, and several more were on the waiting list!
Over the course of two full days, the children explored the theme of ‘courage’ as they heard how penguins braved the snow and cold to keep their eggs safe. They then looked at how Jesus overcame his fears by praying to his Father in Gethsemane. On the second day they learnt about having courage to speak out as they listened to the story of Moses and the burning bush. They cemented this knowledge with the memory verse (written on stone penguins): ‘Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go’ (Joshua 1:9) and the song ‘Be bold, be strong.’
The igloo was not only a fun place for the children to play, but was used for creative prayer - the children wrote their worries and fears on paper ‘snowballs’ which were scrunched up and placed inside the milk cartons. They were encouraged to let their worries ‘melt away’ and to talk to God when they felt scared.
This was the sixteenth annual holiday club run by Acle Methodists. Sara Edwards, who has led all 16 clubs, said ‘We chose the theme as a tribute to Lucinda, one of our volunteers who had helped at all the previous clubs and who sadly passed away last year; she loved penguins and travelling in the polar regions. The children really engaged with both the polar theme and what it meant to be courageous. This was one of the best holiday clubs we have done.’
The igloo was then used creatively in morning worship at the Church on the following Sunday and that evening at the Polar Party for all the children and their families, which was the finale of the holiday club.
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