Thanks for new Messianic Jewish synagogue in Norwich
The Adat Yeshua Messianic Jewish congregation in Norwich are giving thanks for having moved into their own premises on Essex Street and would warmly welcome visitors to the new synagogue to experience their form of worship.
On December 3 Adat Yeshua Messianic Synagogue, a Messianic Jewish congregation, celebrated being able to meet for their first Shabbat service in their new synagogue on Essex Street in Norwich.
The congregation has been in Norwich for around 25 years, meeting in rented rooms and buildings around the city, but with growth over the last ten years the congregation started to look for permanent premises.
Having their own synagogue on Essex Street now provides this growing ministry with new opportunities to serve their local community, with hopes in the future to be able to offer a Foodbank and support work for refugees and those breaking dependency habits.
Rabbi Binyamin Sheldrake, Leader of Adat Yeshua, said: “For us as a community it is an enormous blessing. We literally didn’t have the money to purchase and refit and then over about 8 weeks we prayed and the finances came in. It’s quite an amazing, miraculous story especially when the amounts are taken into account.
“Having a building for us means an extension of our Messianic and Jewish identity. It’s a place where we can be ‘found’ in the Norwich scene and the message of revival for our people and Israel can be seen and experienced. God is raising the profile of His work in the end times to save our nation, and Messianic Judaism is a key part of that. This new building forms a spiritual home out of which this message can and will flow. It is time to favour Zion!”
A period of refurbishment is underway as the hall, which had previously belonged to Norwich's Holy Trinity Church before being bought by the council, had fallen into disrepair. Once the refit is complete the congregation are planning a ‘Grand Opening’ later in the year.
In the meantime Adat Yeshua Messianic Synagogue are using the main sanctuary within the hall for their services, held at 10.30am every Shabbat (Saturday).
Rabbi Binyamin said: “Anyone is welcome to attend who is interested in Messianic Judaism and worshipping in the Jewish way, or is just curious to understand their faith through Jewish eyes. For security reasons the doors will be closed at 10.30am, unless we know you are attending.”
For more details about Adat Yeshua Messianic Synagogue visit their website, www.adatyeshua.co.uk, or visit their Facebook page. You can contact Rabbi Binyamin Sheldrake at rabbi@adatyeshua.co.uk.
Adat Yeshua Messianic Synagogue, Essex Street, Norwich, NR2 2BL