I've been a Christian for over five years now, an experience which has changed my direction and life in a radical way. I live in
Norwich and am a member of
Today’s Lifestyle Church (TLC) in
Towards the end of last year, I saw an advert for
Christ For All Nations (CFAN) to attend
Reinhard Bonnke School of Evangelism (SOE), and felt God say that I needed to apply. The following day after submitting my application, I was called by CFAN and told Reinhard Bonnke had accepted. Very excited, I made plans to attend
Kensington Temple in
London, for a week in January this year.
Arriving in London I expected great things to happen, but really didn't anticipate just how amazing the impartation from these five days would be. With teaching and prayer from some of the most successful evangelists in the world Reinhard Bonnke,
Daniel Kolenda, Nathan Morris, Todd White and others, this was a maternity ward for a movement of Holy Spirit evangelism.
The opportunity to go out on the streets of London with SOE evangelists was really inspiring, with many people being led to Christ and prayed for, there was a real feeling of excitement and anticipation of what God was doing and is going to do. Witnessing the fire of God in Kensington Temple amongst the SOE pupils and the presence of God was truly life changing. Great friends were made and many of us are staying in touch. I hope to use this experience as a catalyst to inspiring others who love Jesus, to step out in faith.
The key revelation through the whole week and what impacted me the most, was this - we must look people in the eye and boldly tell them we love them. When sharing Jesus this opens hearts and will nearly always find good soil, we are carriers of his love.

If people can’t see this in us, why would they want to know? Seeds are then planted with the message of Jesus, which then manifests itself in hearts and people will be changed forever. People often find it hard to relate to the importance of Jesus, but when they see him working in us, it's something tangible they can get hold of.
So what now? Ultimately I'm looking to organise and take part in more exciting evangelism activities in and around Norfolk, especially within the Norwich area initially, which lead people to local church.
I hope this article will attract more people of the same mind to meet up and take Jesus out into the streets with me. This would be personified in the message of love.
With the training I've gained, I also want to pass on an effective approach, which I've seen with my own eyes working. If you are reading this article and are interested in taking Jesus to the people, please contact me at
jesustestimony@hotmail.co.uk or feel free to add me on facebook.